4 Day Mass Building Workout Routine

When we look at bodybuilding meaning to body mass quickly we need to be prepared to train outside of our comfort zone. Overload is the most critical part of the muscle building, pushing each set to the maximum amount of reps you can, WITHOUT reaching failure.

The 4 X week workout routine listed below needs to be done by stopping the set you're doing as soon as you start to feel that your form is slipping. This means you are not training to failure, so that the muscle fibers and your central nervous system are annihilated, but rather to stimulate the maximum amount of growth.

The objective is to try and increase the weight you lift each week and on all movements. Only increase the weight when you are able to comfortably perform the set without affecting form or reaching failure. The rep ranges recommended are just a guideline, doing more of less reps as you get stronger is expected.

It is important to note that on each body-part you will be doing a 5-minute burn out which are brutal. It's done after the body-part has reached fatigue and starts with the selection of a weight that you can easily do 12 to 15 reps with. Using this weight, you then do as many reps as you can in 5 minutes, starting and stopping whenever you need to and resting the least amount possible.

DAY 1:
Exercise Sets Reps
Deadlift 2 5
One Arm D/B Rows 3 8-12
Wide Grip Pull-Ups or Lat Pull-downs 3 10-12
Barbell Rowing 3 8-12

5 min burn Seated Cable Rowing or you can do the 5-minute burn on Machine Rows, doing as many reps as you can in 5 minutes, stopping as little as possible.

EZ Bar Preacher Curls 3 10-12
Concentration Curls 3 10-12

Seated D/B Curls or you can use machine curls doing as many reps as you can in 5 Minutes.

Day 2:
Exercise Sets Reps
Bench Press 3 6-10
Incline D/B Bench-press 3 8-12
Chest Dips 3 AMAP
Cable-crossovers or Pec Dec 3 12-15

Machine Press or D/B Bench Press you are then doing another 5 Minute Burn where you do as many reps as you can in 5 minutes.

EZ Bar Skull-crushers 3 8-12
Two Arm Seated D/B Ext 3 8-12

Cable Triceps Ext or triceps pushdowns doing as many reps as you can in another 5 Minute Burn.

Day 3: Rest

Day 4:
Exercise Sets Reps
Squats 3 6-10
Leg Press 3 15-20
Hack Squats or D/B Lunges 3 8-12

Leg Extensions doing another 5 Minute Burn squeezing out as many reps as you can, resting as little as possible.

Stiff Legged Deadlift 3 8-12

Leg Curls doing another 5 Minute Burn squeezing out as many reps as you can in 5 minutes.

Standing Calf Raises 3 10-15

Seated Calf Raises doing another 5 Minute Burn doing as many reps as you can, resting as little as possible

Day 5:
Exercise Sets Reps
Seated Barbell Press 3 6-10
Seated Arnold Press 3 8-12
D/B Lateral Raises 3 10-15

Using the Hammer Strength Press or the Smith Press machine you're doing another 5 Minute Burn.

Upright Rowing 3 8-12

D/B shrugs or Barbell Shrugs you are doing another 5 Minute Burn doing as many reps as you can in 5 minutes.

Barbell Wrist Curls (seated) 3 12-15

AMAP = As many as possible.

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