Beach Body Workout Program

Beach Body

The beach-body workout program uses a well-respected bodybuilding technique called supersets. Bodybuilders have been using superset training to increase fat-loss and muscle hypertrophy at the same time for years. Sports science has proven that EPOC (Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) or "after-burn" is achieved with superset training which can burn more calories for up to 72 hours post exercise.

The beach body workout listed below progresses over 6 weeks using supersets to increase and maintain intensity by always attempting to increase the weight lifted without decreasing sets and reps. Getting stronger and leaner starts with establishing a baseline, a foundation on which the next 6 weeks are built, starting with week one listed below.

superset 1:
Barbell Bench-press 3 X 8-10 reps with Wide-grip Lat Pull Downs 3 X 12-15 reps
superset 2:
D/B Incline Press 3 X 8-10 reps with Seated Cable Rows 3 X 12-15 reps
superset 3:
Dips to failure with Bent-over Rows 3 X 12-15 reps
superset 4:
Cable Crossover Flyes 3 X 8-10 reps with Close-grip Pulldowns 3 X 12-15 reps
superset 5:
Hanging Knee Raises 3 X 8-10 reps with Swiss-ball Roll-Ins 3 X 12-15 reps

superset 1:
D/B Squats 3 X 8-10 reps with Hamstring Curls 3 X 12-15 reps
superset 2:
D/B Forward Lunges 3 X 8-10 reps with Stiff-leg Deadlifts 3 X 12-15 reps
superset 3:
Bulgarian Split Squats 3 X 8-10 reps with Hamstring Rolls 3 X 12-15 reps
superset 4:
Hanging Leg Raises 3 X 8-10 reps with Cable Chops 3 X 12-15 reps

superset 1:
Seated D/B Lateral Raises 3 X 8-10 reps with Standing D/B Shrugs 3 X 12-15 reps
superset 2:
Cable Front Raises 3 X 8-10 reps with Bent-over Rear-delt Rows 3 X 12-15 reps
superset 3:
Standing D/B Shoulder Press 3 X 8-10 reps with Plate Pinch Press to failure
superset 4:
Swiss-ball Crunches 3 X 8-10 reps with Cable Rope Crunches 3 X 12-15 reps

superset 1:
Standing D/B Curls 3 X 8-10 reps with Bodyweight Dips 3 X 12-15 reps
superset 2:
Cable Curls 3 X 8-10 reps with Cable Press-downs 3 X 12-15 reps
superset 3:
Seated D/B Hammer Curls 3 X 8-10 reps with Bent-over D/B Kickback 3 X 12-15
superset 4:
Plank 3 X 30 seconds with Cobra Pose 3 X 30 seconds and Back Extensions 3 X 15 reps

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