Beginner Guide to Pull Ups

If you are the type of weight trainer/bodybuilder that never does pull-ups or chin-ups because you use machine and cables to attack those muscles groups, then you will know that moving a heavy weight on the lat. pull-downs does not mean you can do countless pull-ups.

There are many advantages to pull-ups compared to lat pull-downs or cable rowing. Doing pull-ups helps you develop quality muscle along with a noticeable increase in power and explosiveness. There are two simple movements that will guarantee a wider, stronger back; pull-ups and chin-ups.

Wide-grip pull-ups will target mainly the upper Lats, whereas chin-ups will isolate the middle back and lower lat region, plus your biceps of-cause. If you want to make a serious difference to your back width and strength, then you need to add pull-ups and chin-ups to your training routine.

First you need to test yourself on how many pull-ups, using good form, that you can do before failure. Start by hanging full length holding the bar connected to the ceiling, apparatus or doorway. See how many times you can pull yourself upwards until your shoulders are level with your hands.

You increase your ability to do more reps by using all the following weight training principles:

Failure: Knowing where your point of failure is what bodybuilding is all about because it constantly changes. That point of failure is where you have fully fatigued the working muscles and you are no longer able to complete another repetition using strict biomechanics.

Rest Pause: Start off buy doing a set of pull-ups to failure, you then rest for 5 - 10 seconds and you then do as many reps as you can again. When using weight, you would not lighten the weight on subsequent rest-pause sets. Depending on your level of energy you would then push on and do another set to failure.

Negatives: Get your training partner to help you get to the top of the pull-up movement. If using a weights, then increase the weight by 10-50% above the normal weight you would use. When fully contracted you then slowly lower your body-weight on your own, slowly.

For more information checkout The Lost Secrets of Bodyweight Training

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