Upper and Lower Body Finishers

If you are unaware of "finishers" then you need to read this with the mindset that the time tested movements that result in strength and muscle gains are squats, deadlifts, presses, rows and chin-ups. We know that getting stronger takes time, routine and progression.

Adding volume is just one of the advantages of using finishers, it also allows you to focus on a weak body-part. The most important aspect or benefit of adding finishers in your workout cycle is because it will build-up your mental toughness, your grit, your guts.

There are countless variations that you could use as finishers but we have added two below, so that you get the idea and create something that suits you and your specific objective. One of these two finishers have to be done at the end of your normal training on a leg day or an upper-body day.

Lower Body Finisher #1 & 2: This is high intensity at the extreme because you alternate between a jump split squats and a jump squats. Don't count reps, rather use time by doing 2 sets of around 20 seconds, adding 10 seconds each set.

Another, more intense option is to perform a circuit using the following movements and reps. This would be done in a circuit to rest as little as possible after each circuit is complete.

Body weight squats 1 X 20
Alternating reverse lunges (10 each leg) 1 X 20
Split jump squats (10 each leg) 1 X 20
Jump squats 1 X 20
Squat holding at 90 degrees for 20 sec.

Upper Body Finisher #1:

Great finisher for shoulders but can be used after any upper-body workout very effectively. You are going to need a set of dumbbells between 8-15 lb. and a 25-45 lb. plate. The weight of the plate would depend on your strength plus the extent of the fatigue you have reached in your workout. The movements listed below should be done in a circuit, doing 2 less reps on each subsequent circuit.

Standing D/B Lateral Raises 1 X 8
Front Plate Raises 1 X 8
In & Out's with D/B 1 X 8
Drivers 1 X 8
Plate Pushes 1 X 8

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