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Get Fit at Home with the Top 5 Bodyweight Exercises

We have finally seen the back of the colder weather, and a good many people are looking for the first vacations that will be coming up a little later in the year.

As is standard after all the festivities over the Christmas and New Year's holidays everyone wants to get fit and healthy.

The good news is you can do this from your own home without the need to visit any gym or the purchasing of any equipment.

How to Get Fit at Home

Any strength training exercise takes effort, and it also needs you to make a plan so you can target all muscle groups on your body.

This is pretty simple to do, and when you see a full list of exercises, you will see they target all areas of the body. This compared to working out at the gym where you need to complete many activities to cover each part of your body.

How Do You Build Muscle

All this can be done by using your own body weight compared to lifting weights. On many occasions and depending on the exercise you will find the weight you lift is higher from your body than you would lift if you used the equipment.

There is one added benefit which has nothing to do with your aim to build muscle. The time you would spend traveling back and forth to the gym is the time you can be exercising.

The Best Upper Body Exercises

There are many exercises you can perform which will tone all parts of your body. One of the most common being pushups. This is simple to implement and if, in the beginning, you are unable to do it the correct way there is a more natural method.

Here you rest on your knees and your hands and perform the lowering with your arms as you would normally. Although simple, it is a fantastic way of improving upper body strength.

Next up is exercises for your abs as everyone wants a washboard set of abs. For this merely find something to hold your toes under as you lay on your back and fold your arms over your chest or clasp your hands behind your head.

Next, you raise your body forward and then lower back down. This you repeat as many times as you are able. One pro tip is to perform the exercise slower then you have built-in resistance training which is great when you use it on a regular basis.

Best For legs

No doubt squats work wonders for your legs and the plump bits where you have piled on a couple of extra pounds.

With these, you are halfway to performing a full body weight workout as you are lifting your total weight rather than only a portion of it. As with sit-ups. Do these very slow, and you will feel the burn after a while.

Another exercise which uses the legs quite a lot is the jumping jack. Here you stand with your legs together and then jump to a wide stance while raising your arms.

Once you look like a starfish, you jump back to the start position. A set of about 30 of these is more than enough as part of your workout routine.

As you find you are getting stronger, you can incorporate other exercises which will complete an entire workout for your body.

Although these are easy to perform they can be difficult for beginners who are not yet used to supporting all their body weight. The one that requires the least preparation is pull-ups.

This needs something to support yourself like a bar where you would lift your entire body as you bend your arms. The send would require the use of two chairs or sturdy stools.

Arms and Shoulder Workouts

Dips are great for upper body strength while still working on other parts such as your stomach muscles.

When you perform this, you would place the two chairs with a gap in between them and rest a hand on each. To start, you can accomplish this while resting your feet on the floor.

To perform you lower yourself by bending your arms and then push back toward the start position.

When you feel confident that you can achieve each of these exercises in a full body workout you can attempt to do the dips with your feet raised.

Get to that stage, and you will have mastered 5 of the most common exercises you can perform at home with no equipment.

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